
Learn more about me

Undergrad Student

Hi, I'm a 3rd year CS Undergrad studying at IIIT, Bangalore.

  • Birthday: 30 Sep 2001
  • Website: https://ronitjain30.github.io/
  • City: Jaipur, Rajasthan
  • Age: 20
  • Degree: iMTech
  • Email: ronit.jain@iiitb.ac.in

I am proficient in multiple programming languages and always curious and interested in learning new skills. Always willing to learn more and improve through asking questions and adapt to the situation so that the best product possible is produced. I am passionate about understanding the nuances of various technologies and also about programming.


C/C++ 100%
Python 100%
Java 75%
Machine Laerning 65%
HTML 100%
CSS 80%
JavaScript 75%
LaTex 75%


Check My Resume


Ronit Jain - Resume


My Works

Predicting Covid Test Results

Analyzing dataset of 6lakh+ data points and using multiple Machine Learning algorithms

Convay's Game of Life

Used python and PyGame

Predict the Car Selling Price

Using Linear Regression

Predicting the Wine Category

Using Support Vector Machine

Predicting the Likelihood of Death

Using Decision Tree


Contact Me

My Address

Bangalore, Karnataka

Social Profiles

Email Me


Call Me

+91 9079244051

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